What a ridiculous system! Destroy your own sect to become invincible, strengthen your own sect and you’ll be wiped out. Yet, the sect leader insists that I take on disciples. Ugh~ Taking disciples doesn’t mean I have to teach them well. Letting disciples ruin the sect is just as good. Solving inequalities is what matters! Beautiful female disciples, come quickly!

When My Disciples Are Superb and I Lie Flat, When My Sect Is Destroyed and I Am Invincible
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Dizi Chao Shen Wo Tang Ping Zong Men Huimie Wo Wudi, Dìzǐ Chāo Shén Wǒ Tǎng Píng Zōng Mén Huǐmiè Wǒ Wúdí, When My Disciples Are Superb and I Lie Flat When My Sect Is Destroyed and I Am Invincible, 弟子超神我躺平,宗门毁灭我无敌
Status: Ongoing Released: 2024 Type: TV Released on:
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