At the age of eighteen, Luo Feng was kicked out of the mountain by his Crazy old Master, He had no choice but to turn to his Seven Senior Sisters who had already graduated from the school, each of these Seven Senior Sisters were endowed with supreme skills, with awe inspiring talent, and had achieved great success in various fields, and they only loved their Junior Brother Luo Feng. Luo Feng has always considered himself to be very weak and needed to hold on to his senior sisters legs, but what he himself didn’t know was that he was carrying the formidable Emperor Clan bloodline and the watery Qi Clan bloodline, which could be considered as the heavenly peak of potential.

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My Seven Sisters Are Unparalleled
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Wo Qi Ge Jiejie Jueshi Wushuang, My Seven Sisters Are Peerless, My Seven Sisters Are Unparalleled, Wǒ Qī Gè Jiějiě Juéshì Wúshuāng, 我七个姐姐绝世无双
Status: Ongoing Released: 2024 Type: TV Released on:
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